PIBC Representatives
The Institute appoints or nominates a number of PIBC Representatives to various external boards, committees, and other organizations. Their roles vary, depending on the body or organization, on which they serve. In many cases they act as a representative of the planning profession or PIBC, as well as a liaison between the Institute and the particular body or organization.
Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) Board of Directors*:
Dan Huang RPP, MCIP
Raymon Kan, RPP, MCIP
*Note: CIP Directors are directly elected by CIP members.
Professional Standards Board:
Patricia Maloney RPP, FCIP
BC Energy Step Code Council:
Norm Connolly RPP, MCIP
Asset Management BC - Community of Practice:
Christine Callihoo RPP, MCIP
City of Vancouver:
Tate Zhang - Chinatown Historic Area Planning Committee