
How Will Your Planning Career Start?
PIBC Academic Liaison Sub-Committee
November 22nd 2023
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PST

Are you wondering how your planning career might start?   What jobs could you apply for and what would it be like to work for various organizations or in different types of planning?

This webinar will feature a cross section of recent planning graduates and provide an opportunity for participants to hear about their experiences as they have started their career.   The first few jobs one has after graduation can significantly influence one’s career, and in particular, how one’s passions and areas of interest either fit or do not fit with various jobs and roles.

In this webinar, several recent graduates from all four major planning schools in BC will share their experiences and advice to current planning students.  Our panelists represent a broad range of streams of planning work including:

  • Payton Carter – is a graduate of UNBC and now works for the City of Nanaimo planning department.
  • Molly Blower – is a graduate of VIU and now works for City Spaces as a development manager for non-profit housing projects.
  • Maya Molander – is a graduate of SFU, and now works as a regional planner for the First Nations Health Authority.
  • Elsa Fourie – is a graduate of UBC and now works for BC Housing.
  • Sam Hadfield – is a graduate of UNBC and now works as a planner in Terrace.

Please register here by November 21.

This free webinar is hosted by the PIBC Academic Liaison Sub-Committee.


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